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Garbage disposal caused financial difficulties?
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-8-14 10:34:27
In accordance with the garbage disposal needs fiscal subsidies, according to incomplete statistics, in 1 tons of garbage from centralized to incineration requires approximately 460 yuan of financial subsidies (including electric net subsidies of about 60 yuan and ecological compensation 75 yuan). If all the garbage incineration, every year the city garbage disposal subsidies will reach 3000000000 yuan. This does not include public place cleaning subsidies, waste reduction and emission control of subsidies, tax incentives and regulatory personnel costs.

This leads to two problems: incineration will lead to financial difficulties? Can reduce the waste of fiscal subsidies? The answer is yes. If you insist on all the garbage incineration processing route, will greatly increase the financial burden, and even lead to financial difficulties, the situation has occurred in some capital cities, when caused policymakers alert. Fortunately, we can reduce the financial subsidies by strengthening using waste reduction and material. For example, the recycling of 1 tons of garbage, financial subsidies to less than 100 yuan, far below the incineration of the subsidies, but also can reduce the long-distance transport subsidies; for every 10% increase in recycling rate, a year can save at least 180000000 yuan of financial subsidies of garbage disposal, waste materials processing and to foster greater market value than the garbage burning the use of industrial.

So, how to move the waste source reduction and substance use? The legal means, administrative means, economic means and technical means, we can list a lot of leverage measures. Whatever the approach, the core is to play the role of the market allocation of resources, let the market decide enterprises, capital, land, technology and waste materials such as the flow of resources is the key to better play the role of financial subsidies to the allocation of resources and market, to straighten out the garbage disposal price, improve garbage competition, processing industry transfer waste discharge their initiative and enthusiasm.

At present, garbage disposal subsidies are subsidies for waste disposal, such as price subsidies for garbage compression, transport, biochemical treatment, incineration and landfill of enterprises. Subsidies are directly linked to the garbage disposal operations or treatments can quickly and directly and significantly improve waste disposal capacity, support the waste disposal firm growth, and is convenient for the operation and control of the government, but it is easy to distort operation to the garbage disposal, and even lead to garbage processing link are disjointed. As for multiple subsidies incineration aroused throughout the construction of incineration facilities upsurge, although help defuse pressure of refuse treatment, but also dilute the waste source reduction and material use importance, distorted the garbage classification and cascade use chain, from market value would be caught the little pig tail is ignored big pig pig waste treatment, for long-term development is extremely unfavorable.

Therefore, the author suggests that rich financial subsidies, increase subsidies to waste emissions, only to the garbage disposal emergency facilities operation and the key support of the garbage treatment by way of price subsidies.

From waste and long-term development, need to establish and garbage disposal to decouple the fiscal subsidy system, namely the waste discharge voucher system, reduce government intervention in the market. The government issued directly to the waste valuable waste discharge coupons, waste discharge purchase services directly to refuse treatment using emission voucher. Waste emissions to save emissions coupons and convenient emission, naturally many, finally selection of waste treatment and disposal are cheap, so as to arouse the initiative and enthusiasm of the waste emissions, play to market allocation of resources, improve the selectivity and competitive waste treatment, source reduction and emission control of excitation. In addition, if allowed to refuse securities transactions, will create the waste emissions trading, to promote waste treatment of cross domain cooperation. Price subsidies to the yellow box policy, while emissions of voucher system belongs to the green box policy.

Implementation of waste discharge voucher system first needs to establish emission voucher system, a clear waste discharge certificate is in the (Village) people or the seat of the management units, determine the emissions of waste discharge amount and ticket pricing, regulations of waste discharge voucher transfer, settlement and trading methods, development of waste emissions voucher system implementation and supervision measures etc.. In addition, also need to fully demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of price subsidies and waste discharge subsidies to coexist: one is considering the price subsidy system inertia, should allow price subsidies and waste discharge subsidies exist for a period of time, or in the first source reduction and emission control, material use, not the implementation of price subsidy policy link pilot emissions voucher system, not across the board, so as not to cause waste treatment of short-term chaos. The two is for the landfill waste disposal facilities construction operations and focus on supporting the garbage disposal ways, should play the advantages of fast direct price subsidies, the rational use of price subsidies, support emergency supply, waste disposal development guarantee.
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