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Yunnan will strengthen the management of sewage plant
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-8-20 16:54:27
The environmental protection department of Yunnan released the 2014 1~7 month of the province's urban sewage treatment plant pollutant total reduction of major reports, 144 sewage treatment plants in 127 did not complete the task of reducing emissions, accounting for more than 88%.

The report said, "cut the control allocation of 144 town sewage treatment plant to the Yunnan province 2014 annual total amount of major pollutants emission reduction target responsibility book", there are 17 sewage treatment plant completed the 1~7 month cumulative emissions reduction task, accounted for more than 11.8%%; there are 127 sewage treatment plants did not complete the emission reduction task, accounted for 88.2% among them, there are 19 sewage treatment plants accumulated to complete the annual emission reduction task is lower than 10%.

According to the report, 1~7 month Yunnan province of urban sewage treatment plants should be to reduce the chemical oxygen demand of 118900 tons (accounting for 58% of the annual task), the actual reduction of 101600 tons, has completed the annual emission reduction task 1~7 month 50%; plan should reduce ammonia 12173 tons (accounting for 58% of the annual task), the actual reduction of 10118 tons total annual emission reduction task, 1~7 month 48%.

Urban sewage treatment plant and supporting pipe network construction effectiveness has not yet fully apparent, the county sewage treatment plant operation level is low, the on-line monitoring system is imperfect at present Yunnan province sewage treatment plant operation problems. In view of the above question, hall of Yunnan province environmental protection requirements, all localities should further increase the urban sewage treatment facilities and supporting pipe network construction efforts, especially in the rain and sewage diversion pipe network, to ensure the completion of the task by the end of this year the construction of pipe network 9. To further improve the on-line monitoring system, and with the provincial building housing the office of the sewage treatment plant emission reduction work to promote the backward part of county government leaders were interviewed.

Yunnan province is one of the key provinces and cities Chinese water environmental protection, Dianchi, Erhai province has nine plateau lakes, of which Dianchi is the national "three rivers and three lakes" (Huaihe, Haihe, Liaohe, Taihu, Chaohu, Dianchi) the difficulties of pollution control.

According to the national development and Reform Commission issued in 2014 7 key river basin water pollution control investment plan, Yunnan province plans to develop 18 water pollution control projects this year, a total investment of 3460000000 yuan, 2630000000 yuan of investment this year arrangement. Technology is the focus of the layout in the province, has a number of sewage treatment project, the amount of investment Yunnan branch also originwater subsidiaries around the biggest company in the.
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