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Crushed grille treatment of sewage purification and reuse system
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2012-12-11 17:16:32
The exploitation of oil deserted oil fields into the town has a large population of marine sedimentary zone due to the oil fields in the soil was salinity, poor water quality of the surface water, the lack of adequate freshwater resources, increasingly frequent outbreaks of natural disasters Today, the water shortage will pose a serious threat to the living and oilfield production, the water crisis is often the reality we face an important way to solve the problem of water shortage in the oil fields should be the urban sewage into the urban water supply source. The nearest town sewage source of stable, easy to collect, is reliable and stable source of water supply. After purification of urban sewage reuse mainly as a municipal greening, industrial water, and landscape water use.
????Urban wastewater reclamation and reuse project, including sewerage, sewage purification technology systems, water distribution systems, reuse water application technology and monitoring systems. Regeneration technology and its system of sewage purification, sewage purification process should be simple and reliable, the investment and operating costs for the town's economic strength can bear, treated effluent water quality to meet the requirements reuse.
????Follows many years of traditional primary treatment and secondary treatment water treatment technology and equipment has been difficult to adapt to today's high turbidity and high concentrations of sewage purification processing requirements, the treated effluent can not meet urban water reuse water quality requirements. Route along the traditional technology only further additional the traditional tertiary treatment equipment systems, evaded the size and complexity of traditional secondary biological treatment system, one can avoid the investment and operating costs are very expensive traditional three filter adsorption processing system. These are precisely the the wastewater reuse taboo place. Therefore, the environmental market is very urgent need for efficient purification, treated water to meet existing environmental standards and to return to the city, investment and operating costs, but also for the economic strength of the existing city could accept the new technology of sewage treatment and new device.
????Latest invention "SPR high turbidity sewage purification system" (March 19, 2002 by the U.S. Patent Office granted U.S. patents for their invention) merge sewage primary treatment and tertiary treatment program designed in an SPR sewage The purifier tank vivo in 30 minutes flow quickly completed. It allows direct inhalation of suspended solids (turbidity) of up to 500 mg / l to 5000 mg / liter of high turbidity sewage treatment effluent suspended solids (haze) of less than 3 mg / liter (degrees); It allows direct inhalation the CODcr for 200 mg / L to 800 mg / l of high concentration organic wastewater treatment effluent CODcr can be reduced to 60 mg / liter. Just use the equivalent conventional secondary sewage treatment plant project investment and lower than that of conventional secondary treatment operating costs, will be able to obtain the level of tertiary treatment effect, the effluent can be used as industrial use tap water or urban greening, landscape water regeneration of urban sewage and reuse.
????SPR sewage treatment system first used chemical pollutants in the dissolved state precipitated from the true solution state, to form a solid phase interface of colloidal particles or tiny suspended particles; selection of efficient and economical adsorbent organic pollutants, chroma isolated from wastewater; then using microscopic physical adsorption of colloidal and suspended particles in sewage condensed into a chunk of dense floc; longer rely on the cyclone and filter principles of fluid mechanics, hydraulics, self-designed SPR high floc water turbidity wastewater purifier rapid separation; Shimizu after tank in vivo self formed dense suspended mud layer filtering to achieve the level of tertiary treatment, water reuse; sludge is highly concentrated in concentrated indoor discharge by pressure on a regular basis, due to the low moisture content of sludge, and the good performance of dehydration, can be directly fed into the mechanical dewatering device also can be used to make sidewalk bricks dewatering sludge cake after eliminating secondary pollution.
????The latest invention SPR sewage purification technology its process is simple and reliable, low investment and operating costs, small footprint, the purifying effect good many advantages of re-use of urban sewage will be in today's world and create a new path. Urban sewage reuse, provide the city with the second freshwater sources, provide the essential conditions for the sustainable development of the city, its economic and social benefits are immeasurable.
Sewage from several main living area, which also has some commercial waste water. The sewage treatment plant serving a population of approximately 14 million people.
????Oilfield lack of fresh water resources and water pollution prevention requirements, oilfield residents living sewage after purification treatment, regeneration effluent as urban greening, industrial water, and other car wash, flush toilets and other municipal water, either to prevent urban sewage water environment of pollution, but also greatly save the local fresh water resources, and provide reliable sources of fresh water for the industrial production of the oilfield. Sewage into the town sewer settlement after the existing septic tank regulation, concentrated into the sewage treatment plant, the first sieved to remove large debris, and then alternately entering regulation pool A or B to adjust the pool dosing remove organic pollutants Pharmacy, rely stirred complete mix thoroughly and primary reaction process, and to prevent in the regulation of pool cause precipitation (each adjustment pool capacity for 2-hour flow: 300 m 3), by the sewage pump will have been conditioned sewage suction pipe, by sewage pump suction end of the vacuum suction sewage treatment agents (including coagulation Pharmacy, disinfection agents, sludge dewatering aids, etc.), in accordance with the design of pharmaceutical formulations, via pipelines mixed directly from the bottom of the SPR sewage purification to enter the tank, SPR purifier tank body complete coagulation, fine filtration and sludge thickening process, purified water through the top of the export pipeline outflow into the clear water storage pool, will rely on clean water pump recycled water to the user (industrial water or irrigation water), given time depend on clear water pump pressure, the concentrated sludge slurry pressed out of the sludge concentration of the water purifier from the SPR chamber (the sludge slurry moisture content of <98%), and fed into the gravity-type sludge concentration tank again concentrated (concentrated again of the sludge slurry moisture content <95%), rely on the concentration of mud after the mud pumps the sludge concentration tank concentrated again directly fed into the sludge dewatering machine implementation dehydrated cake after the dehydration by the car shipped to go for landfill. Each run about 4 to 6 hours, once a tank backwash operation the backwashing time for 3 to 5 minutes. Every 6 to 8 hours of running around the room full of sludge thickening pressure mud operation, the mud time 10 to 20 minutes. Sewage tank backwash wastewater and sludge dewatering process flow back into the the sewage regulation pool into the next purification process.
????The whole sewage purification process only one sewage pump as absorb the effluent, adding a power source of Pharmacy, mixing, coagulation, filtration, and delivery of water, the power consumption of the sewage purification 0.125 degrees / cubic meters.
????The cost of sewage treatment, pharmaceutical consumption 0.6 to 0.8 yuan / cubic meter. (According to the actual the sewage process simulation test results, will finalize the sewage treatment pharmaceutical formulations.)
????Sewage purification system run by the six SPR-50-type sewage purification system parallel composition of the system, each water production rate of 50 m3 / h per day on the 20 hour operation, the processing volume of 1000 m3 / set aside out of the backwash, sludge and other auxiliary operations and maintenance time. System-wide daily sewage treatment capacity of 6000 m3.
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