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The domestic mode urgently improved the Water Pollution processing industry use crushed grid
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-2-1 10:57:52
According to Chinese official data showed that more than half of China's seven major river systems, river water pollution. 17 serious pollution in 35 major lakes, more than 90% of urban water pollution is serious, more than 50% of the town's water does not meet drinking water standards, 40% According to Chinese official data showed that more than half of China's seven major river systems, river water pollution . 17 serious pollution in 35 major lakes, more than 90% of urban water pollution is serious, more than 50% of the town's water does not meet drinking water standards, 40% of the water is undrinkable. 60 to 70% of the total volume of water shortage in the southern city of caused due to water pollution. The data of the Ministry of Environmental Protection crushing-type grille, 90% of our urban groundwater in different degrees by organic and inorganic pollution of toxic and hazardous pollutants. Source: Environmental Protection Union, increasing water pollution, the Government has increased the pollution prevention efforts. The data show that in the 10 years from 2001 to 2011, the average annual growth rate of the number of urban sewage treatment plant is about 13% and 23% of the growth rate of the processing power. As of 2011, the urban sewage treatment plant put into operation in China more than 3100, sewage treatment capacity of more than 150 million cubic meters of urban sewage treatment rate reached 82.6%. From a quantitative point of view, the market-oriented operation, about 50%, the majority of the number of BOT projects. Sewage treatment operation mode is relatively backward severely restricts the sewage treatment process and effectiveness. "Basic , taken to the operating mode, the back section is a long time, and sometimes may lead to profit while away." According to industry sources. Investment Advisor in the environmental protection industry researcher Hou Yuxuan remember an interview with "China Sankei Shimbun said comminuted grille: the water industry with the nature of public utilities, the bottleneck in the development of the market and government-linked water service areas is the funding problems. ;; Although the capital markets unanimously optimistic about the water market, but the water supply service is capital precipitating industry, capital markets, a single equity and bond financing, so that the main industry huge financial set the capital costs, but the characteristics of the industry itself decided the its difficult to support the capital's high-income requirements. Match the low-income and industrial development, the long and stable financial serious lack of supporting tools. ;; Franchise model, "the water industry generally taken government by voting tender or negotiation form of the water plant construction, as well as water plant operators to the operators, government cost recovery of operating expenses in the franchise years this business model belongs semi-market and large upfront investment costs and long payback period, encountered great difficulty in financing channels looking to change this fundamental phenomenon, the government needs to reform the system of water charging, reversing the situation of the price of water upside down. "Hou Yuxuan analysis pointed out. In addition, the water industry concentration is low, but 5% of the largest Eaux service market share. The market over-dispersed restricted the industry's technological progress and intensive. "The current market is the lack of leading enterprises, because the market is relatively fragmented." Insiders reflect. Hou Yuxuan replied: water industry has a strong geographical limitations, most of the water companies in the region fortune after primary radiation surrounding areas, it is difficult to have a strength of the water companies across the country. Xing Rong investment leading water industry, but 95% of its operations are concentrated in the Southwest, and other enterprises in Sichuan position within the impossible place. "Demarcation line" constraints, the enterprise needs to be improved in the water utility industry chain, to provide diversified services is shaping the leading enterprises in the only way to break the industry. Well, sewage treatment operators how the model will be further improved? Hou Yuxuan: upstream processing equipment industry, water pollution treatment industry has achieved a market-oriented equipment production technology gap with foreign countries. The operational phase is mainly taken the BOT model, this model belongs to "import", with China's market is still in the running-in phase, to take this model is sewage processing the grill market government crushed nature steering the turning point of the state-owned nature, and constantly improve the mode The degree of market-oriented government and businesses need to continue to explore the process of cooperation.
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