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Water pollution caused by groundwater and the reference water pollution garbage crusher pipe crusher
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-4-11 14:24:44
Point source of the toxic load of the Great Lakes Basin is a good understanding and control. The largest remaining water quality problems from many different sources, that carries pollutants into our rivers, lakes, and rivers runoff pollution (so-called non-point source pollution). These pollutants can be pesticides, fertilizers and nutrients, household chemicals, gasoline, and used motor oil. The source areas of farmland, city streets and car parks, suburban lawns, golf courses, construction sites, and atmospheric deposition. To help solve this problem, the EPA's National Water Plan is an important transitional technology on the basis of the control based on from the program on the basis of a watershed-based water quality control based on. Such a change is called a healthy watershed strategy. Technology-based controls, such as secondary treatment of sewage effluent limitations guidelines for industrial sources, as well as some non-point source pollution management practices, has been greatly reduced water pollution and laid the foundation for further progress. The next step is to establish the maximum daily loads (TMDLs) of toxic substances into the water, from point and non-point sources. The TMDLs will help the management of water quality on a watershed scale. EPA, state and tribal comprehensive cooperative partnership, will strive to establish all listed waters TMDLs, cooperation with these partners to ensure that all of the load distribution praise for the establishment of TMDLs implementation of point and non-point sources.
It is reported in the progress report for the 1995 Biennale, U.S. / Canada open waters phosphorus target level has been reached through the joint efforts to improve the performance of sewage treatment plants, to reduce the level of phosphorus in detergents, and the implementation of best agricultural management practices. Significantly lower than the 1978 agreement Superior, Lake Huron and Lake Michigan target load current load, are at or near the target limit, Lakes Erie and Ontario. Lake Erie is still some areas of the central part of the basin in its short-term hypoxia. In 1997, the countries of the Great Lakes report reviews the the nutritional data since 1994, and concluded that the nutritional status of the lake, and no significant change occurred in that they continue to meet the target protocol phosphorus reduction. This continued success is due to the implementation of a number of programs to control soil erosion, sedimentation, and other forms of non-point source control.
Maumee River AOC, agricultural runoff is the most important, of which 75% is used for agricultural watershed. Each year, more than 103,000 tons of soil erosion in the basin, to carry more sediment than any other Great Lakes region tributaries, most of them settled in Toledo Harbor shipping channel, which need to be dredged sediment 500,000 tons per year cost 34 million. Many agencies in cooperation with local landowners to reduce the runoff of sediments, nutrients and pesticides. EPA, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), soil and water conservation district plans to combine financial and technical resources to solve the runoff problem. Only one of these programs, the NRCS West Lake Erie environment quality improvement plan, put forward, if implemented, will help to meet the phosphorus reduction targets to reduce Toledo precipitated by 15%, alleviate the need to build a new CDF reduce annual dredging cost of approximately $ 270,000 limit of nitrate in drinking water, recovery acres of wetlands, improve fish spawning habitat.
Ohio Coastal Management Program (CMP) was approved in June 1997. The program allows the activities carried out in the coastal area to a more coordinated way. It also makes Ohio qualify for additional federal and state funds protection along the Lake Erie, Ohio and erosion control. Another goal of the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol is to improve public access to the lake, the protection of natural areas along the lake.
Commitment to ecological protection, buttressed by strong environmental laws compliance and enforcement. State and federal agencies to continue throughout the Great Lakes region to develop the necessary regulations and take enforcement action. Here are some examples:
Enforcement strategy in the Great Lakes, the federal / state government cooperation partnership in order to protect the Great Lakes has brought about a significant reduction in point source discharges. Selected pollutants, such as PCBs, PAHs, lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury point source emissions dropped significantly during 2006 strategy. Violations found in the process of strategic activities, the EPA can use supplemental environmental project (SEPS) and injunctive relief, correct the problem and improve the environment. SEP is a project, there is no need to strictly abide by the violators, agreed to assume as part of the settlement, a better environment. Injunctive relief, requires that the perpetrator to stop environmental damage. Great Lakes Basin in fiscal year 1993 to fiscal year 1996, a self-employed person has obtained $ 59 million environmental injunctive relief (pollution reduction, pollution prevention, etc.), and made $ 943 million during the same period. These totals include injunctive relief, $ 49 million and $ 28.2 million in northwest Indiana self-employed persons and to 1.8 billion U.S. dollars in southeast Michigan, a POTW ban relief.
EPA's pulp and paper industry cluster Rules combine efforts to control air and water pollution from pulp, paper, paperboard industry. Air quality standards aimed at reducing toxic emissions will also be reduced by 70%, from the current level, which is the primary ozone precursor emissions of volatile organic compounds. Water provisions of the proposal will greatly reduce dioxin emissions. The rule is expected to be finalized by the end of 1997.
Two oil and gas pipeline companies will spend nearly $ 3 million to restore fish, wildlife, and other natural resources of the Fish Creek (DeKalb County, Indiana and Ohio Williams County) released more than 30,000 gallons of diesel injured when underground pipeline rupture, in September 1993. Money from the settlement agreement, including the two companies, the United States, Indiana and Ohio, FWS, Department of Justice, will work to improve water quality, Fish Creek, fish, mussel, and wildlife populations to restore the pre-leakage level, the implementation of the local education plan, from future harm and protection of waterways. Fish Creek is considered to be one of the Great Lakes region, the most diverse and ecologically important stream, is the only known habitat for the endangered the white pearl mussels cat claws.
Michigan for the Great Lakes Fisheries Trust (the Trust) the Ludington addressing loss of fish part of the settlement, founded in 1996, pumped storage hydroelectric project. The project, which has been in operation since 1973, hundreds of millions of fish have been killed. The United States Department of the Interior, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), Indian tribes, Michigan Conservation Club, and the National Wildlife Federation in 1994 with the owners to reach a negotiated solution to resolve the outstanding issues. The main components of the settlement include: a seasonal net intake to minimize the number of fish died of facilities; annual payment of compensation by the utility, based on the validity of the net, the maintenance of the trust; provide improved fishing access practical performance in some sites and pay to improve public access terminals fishing on Lake Michigan, Michigan, 10800 acres of land ownership is transferred to the Trust by the owners. The Trust will use the proceeds of the sale transfer of land and compensation payments, so projects that benefit the Great Lakes fisheries subsidies.
The United States is pursuing the pollutants affected by the natural resource damage assessment (NRDAs) site clean-up and restoration of natural resources. The main objective NRDAs to eliminate or reduce the impact of persistent pollutants on natural resources and restore the natural resources available to the public services and welfare, and to collect money to compensate the injured natural resources. NRDAs Saginaw River in Northwest Indiana, Michigan, and the Fox River, Wisconsin is being carried out.
In 1996, NRDA pre-assessment screen for large Calumet signed in northwest Indiana. Trustee, including Ibid, the IDNR FWS and the National Park Service (NPS), the decision on the destruction of natural resources in the region due to the release of harmful substances and oil, has so far identified 16 PRPs. Damage assessment activities began in October 1997, of all guidance documents will be completed as the final evaluation plan followed.
The super site clean-up the pace in the Great Lakes region and across the country has been greatly increased. More Superfund sites have been cleared in the past three years than in all programs combined with previous years. In 1996, while visiting Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States President Bill Clinton announced the Kalamazoo Initiative, the goal is to have 900 national priorities (NPL) site fully restored in 2000. Part of the EPA Region 5 Great Lakes watershed, about 112 sites, all cleanup construction has completed 55 sites, which means that all long-term response actions in place. Many of these sites have been fully restored. Removal of tens of millions of cubic yards of PCB-contaminated sediments in the St. Lawrence River - the Massena AOC, three clean-up of industrial land in New York State, in the process.
To protect the health status of residents of the basin
EPA continues to compile health information from a variety of Great Lakes human health effects research program is being implemented. This program authorized by Congress to address the possible adverse human health effects are particularly sensitive to consume Great Lakes fish. This group includes pregnant women, lactating women, fetuses and nursing infants, infants and children, Native Americans, sport anglers urban poor, and the elderly. The program is managed by the Department of Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Report to Congress in 1995, introduced the study plan, and in the Great Lakes and international summarizes the literature on this issue. From the results of the program, once finalized, will be in the new report, the report will provide critical information, the Great Lakes decision-makers need to further protect the health of citizens basin issue.
Association between the consumption of the recent preliminary findings, poison and disease?? Disease Registration Office of the Great Lakes human health effects research program supports earlier reports contaminated Great Lakes fish and body burden of persistent toxic substances (Pay Trend Survey) . The consumer body burden is higher than in the general population in the two to four times. The results of these studies also show that:
EPA continue to promote the partnership of safe water, non-Cryptosporidium insects and other microbial contaminants in drinking water in the community serves to reduce the potential risk of regulatory methods. This is a joint effort between the EPA, drinking water associations and community drinking water suppliers. In 1996, the country more than 79 million people receive their water from a supplier, almost a threefold increase over the previous year. Several municipalities in the Great Lakes Basin contaminated drinking water the cryptosporidiosis outbreak showed, infectious diseases can still cause serious problems. However, the Great Lakes continue to provide an excellent source of drinking water.
Milwaukee coastal research initiated between GLERL, University of Wisconsin, and the city of Milwaukee from 1994 to 1996, the Milwaukee Bucks in the 1993 drinking water supply Cryptosporidium contamination. The goal of this study is to evaluate alternatives to improve the quality of the source water, and to identify and evaluate possible new water intake position. It was found that in the spring of 1993, the pollution is highly turbid, polluted water discharged into Victoria Harbour and out of a plume of water intake from the harbor on a regular basis, covering site. In order to prevent similar contamination incidents in the future, it is recommended that the relocation of the Texas Avenue water by increasing the 4,000-foot extension pipe, municipal water filtration system upgrade. Milwaukee in 1996 adopted these recommendations.
Program under the SDWA of 1996, to provide cost-effective to protect drinking water quality, the flexibility of the Wealth of Nations, and a new era of citizen participation. The bill's overall goal is that by 2005, there will be 95% of the U.S. population as public water systems comply with all SDWA standards for drinking water. According to the SDWA provides the tools and opportunities to build a prevention barrier, contamination of drinking water program. The core of the Safe Drinking Water Act is the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF), a mechanism to assist the public water supply system, improve the financing of infrastructure costs.
State source water assessment (funded by DWSRF) the same recognition, these areas of public drinking water sources (groundwater and surface water) to assess the sensitivity of water pollution, and to inform the public of the results. Although not required in the SDWA, the EPA encourages States to use these assessments to develop protection programs. Safe Drinking Water Act amendments allow countries to funds from the DWSRF Water State Revolving Fund, so that these funds for these projects will provide the most environmental benefits.
There is a major shift in focus in order to achieve a better source of drinking water protection through prevention rather than treatment of the new SDWA. This is to establish the existing water source protection plan (WHPP) to protect underground sources of drinking water through the identification and recharge area, as well as potential sources of pollution, and to develop a management plan to minimize the threat. The five countries of the District Environmental Protection Agency has approved WHPPs in various stages of implementation at the local level. Efforts are being made to educate the public on the protection of groundwater resources, provide technical assistance to community development WHPPs.
During fiscal year 1996, EPA Region 5, over 1100 public water supply system to return to compliance, whether through formal enforcement action, or through compliance assistance tools. For example, in cooperation ibid, the Environmental Protection Agency to participate in the workshop for 900 violations of nitrate monitoring requirements. So far, more than 780 system meets the voluntary return.
In 1994, five companies, above, and the EPA agreed to work Calumet large projects, voluntary clean-up of oil-contaminated groundwater adjacent to the Indiana Harbour Canal. Found the site contamination three companies engaged in the continuing remediation. In 1997, a similar effort initiated in the region's oil pipeline owner intent to determine leakage and unused pipe, causing groundwater pollution.
Habitat protection and improvement of
Native Great Lakes ecosystems, including forests, rivers, lakes, wetlands, sand dunes, grasslands, and grasslands provide habitat for plant and animal species diversity. Given that accept habitat conversion acres of absolute number is much lower than in the era before the current percentage of natural habitat loss rate is quite high, threatening health and survival of many Great Lakes species. Landlords in federal, state and local level, a large number of wetland and upland habitat creation, protection, restoration and enhancement in a variety of unique programs and partnerships following activities are being conducted. The following example describes a wide range of institutions and organizations, which is to protect important ecosystems and restore degraded areas of action. Are doing most of the work required steward of the Great Lakes ecosystem positioning itself on the protection and restoration of ecosystem health goals. In terms of the environment and the economy, which is very important. Fishing, hunting, bird whales and other wildlife-related recreation continue 77 million Americans each year to enjoy the rest of a significant engine of economic growth and job creation wildlife, accounted for approximately $ 10.4 billion (U.S. economy 1.4 %) in 1996.
In recent years, such as the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and wetlands reserve program in the 1996 farm bill contains provisions to provide significant wildlife habitat acreage. Farm Bill and the provisions of the Clean Water Act wetland protection Swampbuster also help to conserve waterfowl habitat and athletes, as well as the protection and restoration of conservation organizations, such as Ducks Unlimited millions of acres of prime minister habitat. These types of action to help the duck breeding population of a sharp rise in 1997, most varieties of North American Waterfowl Management Plan and the numerical target.
In addition to the many important habitats in cities and urban areas to rural areas. One example is in the greater Chicago area are being taken an innovative approach to address the loss of natural habitat and biodiversity. Glacial lake in the Chicago area, including the bottom of the lake, and extends in the the southeastern Wisconsin Chiwaukie grassland Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. It contains 800 million, plus a surprisingly rich combination of grasslands, woodlands, dunes, beaches, streams and wetlands, 20 acres of which is in public ownership, and many rare plants and animals habitat.
Want to save this natural heritage, 36 governmental and non-governmental organizations have joined to form the Biodiversity Committee of the Chicago area, which in turn creates the "Chicago Wilderness", dedicated to the region's biodiversity conservation and recovery procedures. Council and Chicago Wilderness plans to actively work covered a wide range of interpersonal networks, the establishment of the support of the local ecosystem-based approach to restore the ecological integrity of the area. The Chicago wilderness was the publication of a major step: Atlas of biodiversity is to inform the public the wonders of the region. Its purpose is to form biodiversity recovery plan based on the development of the region. Its purpose is to evaluate all naturally occurring regional ecological communities, to ensure that they continue on a permanent basis.
Region in the southeast of Lake Michigan, the United States National Park Service (NPS) has been directly determined by Congress to establish the feasibility study on the part of the Lake Calumet area of ​​urban ecological park. Calumet Ecological Park "feasibility study began in May 1997, will assess the area's natural and cultural resources, the relationship between the physical and cultural resources, as well as how these resources depicts the landscape of the area change.
Area of ​​about 15 acres, of Gary, Indiana Airport, across the street from the illegal sale of hazardous waste (PCBs and petroleum waste) to the on-site wetlands associated with a relatively large the residual sand dunes and depressions habitat Road. In 1996, the U.S. EPA TSCA level spend $ 400 million to remove 10,250 tons of PCB waste from the wetlands on this website as part of its super Remove Programs. In addition, more than 500,000 gallons of contaminated water is removed, and in the field. Part of the FWS and ibid., Including almost every week to conduct site visits to help them a lot of energy, EPA reconstruction of two ridge planting site oak savannah grasslands. This property is a restored showcase EPA and ultra-mobile natural resources?? Source trustee of the benefits of cooperation, an area of ​​natural resources.
Long Point Bird Observatory on the north shore of Lake Erie, (LPBO) collected wealth of information on North American birds and their movements. By the end of 1995, ribbon LPBO has more than 260 kinds. Recycling or recovery songbird site in the entire African continent, which greatly increased our understanding of bird migration and biology. In addition, LPBO marsh monitoring program. 42 AOC, volunteers monitor populations of birds and amphibians. Comparison on space and time, and other wetlands in the local and the scale of the entire basin AOC of the swamp wet to the birds and amphibian populations, habitat rehabilitation activities successfully provide an indication of the health of the marsh and wildlife communities of and ongoing measures.
The GLNPO April 1996 report, mining concept shows that from 1992 to 1995, GLNPO granted more than $ 85,000 87 36 local, tribal, state, and federal agencies and non-governmental organizations which partners about 240 grants to protect and restore habitat. Through the funding of demonstration projects to help improve the the GLNPO native of the Great Lakes Basin ecosystem quality and degree, and promote a better understanding of ecosystem processes and functions, and partners in more protection and restoration activities, and the dawn of the Great Lakes system , communities, and species of special and precious nature of public awareness.
During 1995, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and NYSDEC stretch of beach along the eastern shores of Lake Ontario to develop a management plan. By encouraging people to stay in the access between the beach, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and NYSDEC away from the pond and Lake Ontario beach ecologically sensitive. TNC, NYSDEC, Sandy Pond Beach share management responsibilities of the Friends of the volunteers. In July 1996, the parties jointly dedication to the nearest beach / dune improved access from the pond and Deer Creek Lakeview Wildlife Management Area, the wetlands wildlife sanctuaries, Southwick Beach State Park 17 The mile-long shoreline of Lake Ontario east of Lake Ontario megasite.
The loss of coastal wetlands in the Great Lakes fish and wildlife habitat occurs at an alarming rate in the 20 century, due to human and natural causes. Today, there are less than 10%, the remaining 30 million acres of "black swamp", bordered in the west of Lake Erie before 1800. FWS partnership, Ohio Division, Environmental Protection Agency, wildlife ducks unlimited, and other private conservation organization, with the support of local elected to Congress, has completed the construction of related Metzger Marsh recovery, which may serve as a other parts of the Great Lakes coastal wetland ecosystem recovery mode. Water level / fish control structures, and other features of the building will protect 900 acres of wetlands from storm damage, this area will again provide a wide range of aquatic plant communities, diversity and habitat for fish and wildlife species. Metzger Marsh project is the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, the creation, protection, restoration and enhancement of wetlands from Mexico to Canada, 10 one of the flagship projects.
The double-crested cormorant population increased dramatically over the past two decades in the Great Lakes. Many citizens and interest groups believe that species adversely affect sports fisheries. FWS help support a study by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) to determine the impact of cormorants yellow perch fishing on Lake Huron. Preliminary results suggest that cormorants perch, similar study confirms the overall impact of the mode is not found elsewhere. FWS throughout the Great Lakes cormorant population monitoring to better understand population trends and distribution, public the cormorant information brochure and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and has organized a symposium held in December 1997 cormorant cormorant biology in the management of the central and western regions.
Saginaw Bay, 300 million waterfowl annually migrate through the Great Lakes region, the main stopover, is a major clean-up. U.S. Migratory Bird Conservation Commission approved the restoration of wetlands over 750 thousand U.S. dollars and 22 counties, leakage to the Saginaw Bay. This makes dedicated to restore more than 2,500 acres of local, state and private money over three million U.S. dollars. FWS partnership, Ducks Unlimited, the MDNR select private property for wetland restoration.
Lake Erie snake, occurs only in the western Lake Erie in Ohio and Canada, some the Ohio Catawba Marblehead Peninsula coastline on the island, is currently threatened or endangered Endangered Species Act, to be listed. FWS and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources has been encouraging residents and tourists on the island, "live and let others live" sharing the island in 1996 and 1997, these water snake. Efforts to raise public awareness, improve under the leadership of the landlords and the media take an active interest. If these protection efforts were successful, FWS do not need to list a snake, or it may recover more quickly to withdraw from the market.
Some 22,600 acres by the State to acquire privately-held northeastern Minnesota Department of forested land has been described as a "win-win" situation, the parties concerned for the preservation and public enjoyment. Minnesota Power decided it no longer needed the coastline property hydropower purpose, and announced that its sales to the state and county the first option. Countries raised $ 4.2 million for approximately 80% of the land and Minnesota Power, and the remaining 20%, valued at $ 1.1 million donation. Purchase of the property by the state along the St. Louis, Cloquet, and cop river 150 miles of coastline along the three rivers, the former Minnesota 3500 square miles in the northeastern part of the drain emptying into Lake Superior, will largely remains underdeveloped, mostly kept in its natural state. Minnesota has also been completed Grassy Point in Duluth in the St. Louis River estuary wetland plants?? Animal habitat restoration.
The Ministry of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service (USFS) there are many programs for the protection of water quality and aquatic habitat in the Great Lakes. In fiscal year 1995, the U.S. Forest Service to complete a variety of inventory flow, lakes, terrestrial ecological unit, completed 150 kilometers of streams and 1,370 acres of lake habitat restoration, to continue to work with national and non-profit organizations ecological classification, inventory and mapping watersheds and aquatic environment; began to compile the terrestrial ecosystem unit, streams, lakes Basin National Forest geography spatial database; prepared geospatial databases, human and natural conditions on the Great Lakes, with other countries in the non-point pollution control, forest management practices ; watershed processes, forest health, landscape ecology, atmospheric deposition, riparian resource management, and fish habitat, and continue research and technology transfer.
The Nature Conservancy is to carry out an eco-regional priorities Mott Foundation support and EPA. The goal is to establish clear goals and recommendations for the protection of natural communities and vulnerable species at the regional level to protect the site ecological defined place to determine a portfolio, and hired local partners in conservation planning and activities.
The Kuyavian in 1996, the land Lakes paper identified 20 biodiversity investment areas of the Great Lakes shoreline, has a special value of biodiversity cluster. These areas the opportunity to establish large protected area will protect the ecological integrity, and ultimately help to protect the health of the lake itself. The Kuyavian 1998, 20 the nearshore terrestrial biodiversity investment areas will be described more fully. In addition, the biodiversity of coastal wetlands and near-shore areas of aquatic areas of investment will be determined.
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