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Produce factors and how to curb urban water pollution source
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-4-27 16:32:13
Urban water pollution in many ways. Runoff from the streets to carry oil, rubber, heavy metals and other pollutants in automobiles. Treating or treatment of improper sewage low dissolved oxygen and contaminants such as fecal coliform, nitrates, phosphorus, chemical substances, and other bacteria. The treated effluent can still be high nitrate. From many sources, such as garbage dumps, toxic waste and chemical storage and use areas, leaking fuel tanks, and deliberate dumping of harmful substances, which could contaminate groundwater and surface water. Air pollution can lead to acid rain, nitrate deposition, ammonium deposition, it can change the water chemistry of the lakes.
The solution involves urban areas to find a sustainable way to reduce its dependence on the pollutants and the amount of pollutants generated and properly recycled or disposed of before the pollutants pollute the soil, water or air. Lakes face this problem in more detail solutions have been tried in different lakes, see the following discussion.
To prevent pollution of the urban areas tend to be largely a public relations tasks. People need education on proper waste disposal methods. The other waste to the problem, it can create in our watershed, is an effective way to get the message.
In recent decades, the process of rapid urbanization in the world, a number of environmental issues, such as water supply, wastewater collection, treatment and disposal. The wastewater came to the banks of many towns and cities waste water, sewage treatment and other urban problems does not give a correct idea is to allow untreated, lead to large-scale water pollution.
Most freshwater rivers and other sources of industrial waste or waste water pollution. All of these industrial wastes are toxic forms of life, this water consumption. A major contributor to the production of thermal power plants, industrial engineering, paper mills, steel textile industry and sugar industry wastewater.
Agricultural runoff and inappropriate agricultural practices: the traces of chemical fertilizers and pesticides waste to the nearest body of water in the onset of monsoon or whenever there is heavy rain. Intensive and increasing use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals that cause water pollution. Flood plain cultivation of water pollution is another significant contribution. Religious and social practices
Religious beliefs and social customs also increased river pollution. The carcasses of cows and other animals are set in the river. Corpse cremation riparian. The charred corpses thrown into the river. These practices, polluted river water and adversely affect water quality. During religious festivals people bathing in the river is another environmentally harmful practices. Plastic bags is also very dangerous, to further increase the sources of pollution load of the river water quality from a variety of human activities, such as waste water sewage, sewer overflow (SSO), combined sewer overflows (CSO), agricultural runoff, concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO ), street nest, underground storage tanks, recent news, or drug varieties of the problem of drinking water does not properly handle, resulting in leakage of water pollution can also be caused by acid rain, lack of human understanding is the leading cause of water pollution. Dumping, oil spills, dumping of nuclear waste, and the cause of water pollution by waste water.
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