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The urgent problem to solve garbage siege of a garbage crusher
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-11-28 15:24:23
The urgent problem to solve garbage siege of a garbage crusher
A garbage crusher is used for crushing, work life garbage, bulky waste, industrial waste, construction and hazardous waste, medical waste, kitchen waste, electronic waste, waste tires, waste plastic products, biomass and so on, is the most widely used range of models.
Press the early bus environmentalists application factory EIA public information rejected waste incineration, is this why? Factory can not achieve the ultimate objective of waste incineration, incineration plant next to the pollution is very serious, but also generate a lot of waste.
At present, Beijing has built Mentougou, Chaoyang, Shunyi, Pinggu four waste incineration plant, to plan were built 12 garbage incineration plant next year, daily processing capacity of 16000 tons. In addition to outside the city center, other districts will have the waste incineration plant.
Waste incineration standard for pollution control and environmental protection and the State Administration of quality inspection department issued the "" (GB 18485 - 2014) regulate emissions and pollution control standards. The standard requirements of waste incineration pollution emissions to achieve immediate notice and online monitoring, therefore, pollutant discharge monitoring equipment will benefit, the proposed attention sailhero environmental protection
The urgent problem to solve garbage crusher of garbage siege, Beijing City, if not continue to push forward the construction of facilities, so that between the daily processing capacity of the living garbage and kitchen waste in 2015 the gap will still exist. The next step in Beijing city will increase the mixed garbage and classification of garbage disposal benchmark cost variation, improve waste remote processing of economic compensation mechanism. Increase of non resident waste charge dynamics, to study and explore the residential garbage fee policy. Will give priority to the development of the North Canal basin, water source protection areas and scenic areas of informal landfill treatment, basically completed in 2015. At the same time, Beijing city will actively promote the kitchen waste treatment plant construction, the promotion of treatment in Beijing Central Government organs and local resources in Colleges and universities of kitchen waste.
In addition, in the November 18th meeting of the national rural living garbage control television and telephone conference, live Jianbu minister Chen Zhenggao proposed, launched a comprehensive rural living garbage 5 years special treatment, so that the 90% national village life garbage treatment is obtained. Based on 5 years of special treatment requirements, all levels of local government financing rural living garbage management main body, must be governance costs included in the financial budget of the local government. According to preliminary statistics, as of the end of 2013, the national 588000 administrative villages, carries on processing to the garbage only 218000, accounted for only 37%; 14 provinces is less than 30%, there are a few, even less than 10%.
Waste incineration plant news is negative and sensitive to the area. Local owners have complained about it is understandable. It is understood that the region despite the unfavorable news influence, the volume of orders with the first few statistical cycle slightly rise, but Panyu District's second-hand housing market there has been no panic selling a large number of. According to the records of Dashi branch manager said that the number of garbage incineration plant project address the surrounding property house are estimated to decrease by 3, while the volume decreased by 2 ~ 3, some buyers have good before but because incineration plant problems and broken, probably accounted for 2 of total turnover into. "The volume of orders and price are not too obvious changes, the front to reflect the mentality relatively buyers is relatively stable, no 7906 tide, but the news for the seller is relatively large.
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